Phases of the Moon
Everything you want to know about the moon.
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About the moon
How was it created?
How big is it?
What's with the surface?
Is it cold there?
How far is it?
What are phases?
Why does it have phases?
Phases of the moon
What are the four main phases?
The 8 phases
How long is a lunar cycle
What is a new moon?
When is the full moon?
Does it orbit the earth?
Solar and lunar eclipse
Special names of the phases
What is a harvest moon?
What is the blue moon?
Waxing crescent / the young moon
We always see the same side?
How does it rotate?
Is there a dark side?
Lunar cycle / the orbital period
High and low tides
Tide frequency
Other moon facts
How big is the moon?
The Moon has a diameter ¼ that of the Earth. As a result, about 49 Moons would fit inside the Earth.